
Every 3 seconds, an American's identity is stolen. Cybercrime and credit card fraud can be controlled if businesses separate the cash register from the credit card machine.

Credit card fraud is out of control and businesses are having many problems with the different ways the credit cards are processed. The fees they are charged need to be passed on to the consumers. More places are giving discounts when they pay with cash or check. It may be time to separate the cash register and the credit card machines to save the many problems they have created these last two years.

Some companies are making billions of dollars selling your personal information to advertisers. Ever wonder why you get so many emails or spam calls on your phone? Year 2024 is the year to learn how to protect yourself and your family members from these problems. We are starting a program this year to work with businesses that may help their customers.

If you are a business owner and want to hear our plans that may help you, please give us a call or send us an email. We may have some used and rebuilt equipment that can save you money on your next purchase. We may be able to help you pick the proper type of credit card processing company.

Tom Talpai thomastalpai@att.net

United Cash Register & Computer Company
Corporate Office
71 Wells Street, Fox Lake, IL. 60020
Call 630-654-4040 or 708-780-1200